VMware Control Menu
This script is a simple graphical user interface (GUI) tool for managing VMware virtual machines (VMs). Using FreeSimpleGUI, it provides buttons to start, stop, list, and restart VMs without blocking the GUI. It checks if the VMware process (vmware.exe) is running and restarts the VM if necessary. The script uses subprocess.Popen for executing commands in […]
Filezilla auto upload file after editing
Filezilla auto upload file after editing Official Answer is ==> Auto-uploading of changed files will never come, as FileZilla cannot detect when the external editor has really finished saving the file. Yeah,yeah Great Dev’s little productivity. How to Use : Download and install autoit Lauch The Script Script will waiting for the window […]
vbscript To Launch Pstart
What does vbscript : Lauch Application , kill Application , Timeout For Application , + simulates real “ctrl alt s” shortcut for an application. in this case for Pstart