How to automatically terminate hung program in Windows 7 / Vista / XP Many a times, programs like Office, Winamp and others, in Windows , get hung / Not Responding and clicking on close button just doesn’t work. Even the task manager “End program” feature fails or takes too much of time. Here is a small trick which you can use to Auto Kill the programs which it gets hung or goes into status of “Not Responding”. Steps to set auto kill not responding programs
- Backup your registry first.
- Go to Run and enter “Regedit“.
Browse to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
Windows 7 / Windows Vista
- In Windows 7 we will need to add the following values :
LowLevelHooksTimeout =1000
To add a value follow the steps below :
- Right click on the left panel as seen in the image
- Select New > String value.
- String name should be one of the above.
- Now double click and add the value and click ok. Repeat this for all.
Windows XP
- Here you will find a string called as “Auto End Task“, set its value to “1” by double clicking it. This means any hung program will be killed instantaneously.
- Now suppose if you want to give some time, as some programs come back to normal in few minutes, Find a key called as “WaitToKillAppTimeout“, change the value to the value you want. You have to enter value in milliseconds though.
See the image for a clear view of what you are going to do. If anything goes wrong, use your backed up registry to get back to normal.!!!