[ ANDROID]Configure SD card as internal storage in Marshmallow on LG

[ ANDROID] Configure SD card as internal storage in Marshmallow [Anrdoid 6.0] on LG or others models

I found that Marshmallow shall offer formating SD Card as Internal storage.

Unfortunately, it seems that LG disabled this feature. But… it’s still possible to enable it via ADB SHELL! 



  • Phone using Android 6.0
  • SD Card that will get erased
  • ADB access (developper menu + usb adb enabled + adb authorized)



Here is how you can do that:

  1. Backup your data – for sure, you don’t want to lose all your data stored on SD. If you want to lose it, feel free to skip this step
  2. Enable USB debugging mode in developer settings – to enable developer settings you have to tap 5 Times on the build numer.
  3. Open ADB Shell – just open command prompt (Win+R => Type “cmd” => Click “OK”) and navigate to your ADB directory (ex.: “cd c:\adb\“), then use “adb shell” command to start shell.
  4. List avaliable disks to get disk ID. It can be done with following command:


sm list-disks

You will get your SD Card ID (ex.: disk:179,64, which will be used in next step.

  1. Format your SD card by typing below command. Remember to put correct Disk ID obtained in previous step.


sm partition disk:179,64 private

This command will cause that whole card will be formated as Internal Storage. If you want to use only part of SD as Internal Storage and rest as standard Removable Disk, for example 50:50, you can use command:


sm partition disk:179,64 mixed 50
  1. MIGRADE DATA  , from settings , sd card .
  2. Check your storage settings and enjoy additional internal storage!



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